Download the Vignette28 PhotoBook Vol.1 as pdf. It’s available on the 28 Creatives Community. Packed with intense atmosphere created by awesome contributors.
I’m so impressed by the entries, the support, the smooth process. For me that was a completely new experience. Thanks to this volume I was able to learn so much. But in the end it was not possible without the contributors and their amazing works. There’s nothing more to say for the pdf. Go, check yourself.
Are You Interested in the Print?
If you are interested in the printed version you have to be a bit more patient. Because I am only beginning with this task. Anyhow my deepest hopes are that people will want the printed version. Why? Some of the entries of the photo book I knew from Instagram on my mobile device. Yet when I first opened them on a big monitor I was blown away be their impact, by their intense atmosphere. And I know that this impact is multiplied when you have a print in your hands. The weight of the book will boost that even more. And I hope I can convince you of the subtle power of printed media.
Download the PDF
Download the PDF on 28 Creatives. 28 Creatives is a space for all those who enjoy the Grimdark side of miniature wargames and art. A place for players, painters, artists, makers and creators to connect, share and discover more about this vibrant community; its styles and all its many aspects.
28 has become a catch-all label to identify elements of miniature wargames, narrative campaigns and art that is firmly grounded in a dark and gritty setting; and it has grown to encompass a variety of aesthetics, even spawning its own rules systems and games.
Come and join.