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On the day of the Lords 294 JW 975
at the Witchstone
in the valley of Hollar

His Durchlaucht told me that last night he dreamt of Her Durchlaucht. From the day when we left our home. From when we left the comforts of food, shelter, hearth and warmth. Yet she was amongst us. Here in the Weald. Now.

Thank to @_bianca._.neve_ for her wonderful Warhammer Cosplay and agreeing to be part of my Warden’s story.
And thanks to @strangeanimalsphoto for allowing me to make a collage with his wonderful photography.
Go check their accounts for the full impact of both the character and their efforts.

Julian - Visual Storyteller

HTO in Social Media


Volume 1: free pdf (ca 50mb)
Volume 2: free pdf (ca. 100mb)